Innerqiworks Healing Arts Center

" Where transformation occurs "


Hello and Welcome to The House of Santos

Home of Innerqiworks Healing Arts Center LLC

Happiness occurs when Inner Balance is Achieved. Love Kindness and Forgiveness can be experienced. Pains are Released, Health, Vitality, and Peace of Mind become your Reality. Stress becomes a thing of the past. It's a way of life at Innerqiworks for both our clients and ourselves. Come and become part of our peace by discovering your own inner peace. You Are Worth It!!!
My name is Michael J. Santos. I am the sole proprietor and Master Healer at Innerqiworks Healing Arts Center. Interqiworks provides Sessions, Classes, and guided group gatherings in the following modalities: Reiki, Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ), Rainbow Heart Qigong (RHQ), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Stargate Meditations.
Due to the constant Pain of a low back injury, I was led to Reiki. I found it to be relieving to my constant pain. In 1997 I was initiated as First degree Practitioner By the late Rev. Fran Brown (Takata's 7th Master). I continued to practice Reiki with Fran, and in 2006 I was initiated by Fran as her 19th Reiki Master.
You may have noticed that I practice other modalities as well. I feel like Reiki helped to draw me to those and that they all work together offering joy and harmony to my experience. All of these systems have changed my life in ways far beyond my expectations and I know they can do the same for you.

It is an honor to share these gifts with you.

In the center of My Logo above is the Rainbow Heart, created by the talented Bruce Harmon. He added it to the water droplet picture to show how just one drop can transform the entire body of water. This is what we live for at Innerqiworks and I would be delighted to show you how to transform your body of water.

Always with love,
Master Santos

Image of Master Santos


Image of Japanese writings

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a hands on healing modality discovered in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1920. The late Rev. Fran Brown, my Reiki Master would say: "Reiki is all about Lineage"...My lineage is Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Brown. Thus I am a 5th generation Reiki Master and #19 of Fran's 21 Masters. Fran was very selective of her Master students and thus in her 30 years of teaching Reiki, only 21 Masters were attuned to carry this lineage forward.
Reiki helps the body release stress by creating a deep relaxation. Administered by placing hands on a fully clothed body, it is based on the premise that an invisible "life force energy" Qi, flows through each of us. This energy is what causes us to be physically alive.
Reiki is made up of two words - Rei means of Spirit and Ki means "life force energy". Thus, Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy which seems to have its own intelligence, Reiki flows where it is needed and enables the healing necessary for individual needs.
You can access this unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve health and enhance quality of life by learning Reiki, or by receiving treatments from a Reiki Practitioner or Master.

Visit our YouTube Channel to view a short video about Reiki by Master Santos at The Center for Spiritual Living San Jose CA:

Watch Video

Reiki Share

As a service to the community...

Everyone is welcome.

Here's what you can expect in your group session: Reiki is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing. During a treatment the client reclines on a massage table fully clothed. The Reiki practitioner places their hands on the client and channels the Reiki energy to the recipient. Reiki treats the body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation, pain relief, and feelings of peace, security and well-being. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki can be used effectively in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. It's like a massage from the inside out.

First in First on the table. Typical Group Reiki treatment is about 20 minutes.
No experience is necessary.

Reiki Share is monthly and open to the public. Come and enjoy the unconditional love we call Reiki. Reiki Share is where Practitioners and Masters gather to share, ask questions, and offer Reiki to those who would like to experience it. We meet One Weekend a Month from 11:00 - 2:00pm. Please note: There is a $20.00 cash fee to attend.

Please click the Calendar button on the top of the above menu bar, to sign-up on our Meet-Up Calendar.

People sharing reiki

Reiki First Degree

Reiki Principles

Reiki First Degree Class

Reiki classes are offered monthly or by request.

Please follow this link to our Meet Up Calendar for dates and to RSVP for our monthly classes.

Typical monthly class schedule:

  • Friday 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Saturday 11:00am - 2:00pm
  • Sunday 11:00am - 3:00pm
Four attunements will be given: One on Friday, One on Saturday and Two on Sunday. After being attuned a practitioner is able to channel the Reiki energy thru their body and out their hands. Which can be applied to self or anything that is living and accepting of it. There are 22 hand positions that make up the "Basic Treatment" Presented in Level I. A Level I Reiki manual is included as well as a certificate of completion.
Investment is $150.00. Save $25.00 each, by bringing a friend or family member. I will continue to support your Reiki Growth and Questions and this also entitles you to attend future Level I classes free of charge.

Please click the Calendar button on the above menu bar, to sign-up on our Meet-Up Calendar.

Reiki Second Degree and Third Degree Master Class

Reiki Second Degree Class

Reiki Second Degree classes are offered upon request. One attunement will be given on day 2 to activate the 3 First Degree symbols presented on day 1. With these symbols a practitioner can increase the Reiki Energy Flow, Help someone to make a Mental change, and send Reiki at a distance. This energy has no limit to how far it can be sent and can penetrate any building, wall, even a shielded containment chamber!!! A Second Degree Reiki manual is included as well as a certificate of completion.
Investment is $500.00. Save $50.00 each by bringing a friend or family member. I will continue to support your Reiki growth and questions and this also entitles you to attend future Second Degree classes free of charge.
Important: You must be a practicing First Degree practitioner for 6 months to take this Second Degree class. If you are coming from a different lineage, you may be able to attend our First Degree class free of charge, without attunement to take our Second Degree training. Please contact me to see if you qualify. This way we can maintain the integrity of our lineage.

Reiki Third Degree Master Class

Please contact Master Santos in regards to attaining a Reiki Master Level III. Lets talk...

People sharing reiki
People sharing reiki People sharing reiki

Reiki Private Sessions

Image of Master Santos

Reiki Private Sessions

Individual Reiki sessions, in person or remote are available for:

  • 30 min: $75.00
  • 60 min: $125.00
  • 90 min: $150.00

Seniors 65 and over as well as Veterans get 20% off. Students of mine enjoy 50% off.

House calls are by arrangement.
Please contact me to schedule a private Reiki Session.

Thank You!!
Master Santos

Contact Master Santos

Spring Forest Qigong

What Is Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ)?

A form of Qigong that is focused on activating our body's natural healing ability and awakening our deepest connection to oneself. Developed by Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, with the goal of a Healer in Every Family, and a World Without Pain and Suffering. Spring Forest Qigong is a revolutionary approach to the ancient Chinese teachings, revised and enhanced for the 21st century. The oldest records of Qigong date back to 600BC!!! I tell people if this is all you studied, it could stretch well past your lifetime....

The foundation of Spring Forest Qigong is Love, Kindness, and Forgiveness.

SFQ is a peaceful energizing practice not to be missed. Thru gentle movement, guided meditation and healing techniques great benefits may be achieved. Qigong is a study of the universe and comes to us from China where it's been practiced daily for thousands of years.

To watch a video of Master Santos practicing a Spring Forest Qigong active exercise, "The Harmony of the Universe" click here:

Watch Video

Please visit our Qigong Practice Class page. , Spring Forest Qigong Level One Class for Health. and Spring Forest Qigong Level II Class for Healing.

Please follow the link to our Meet-Up Calendar.


Image of Qigong Logo

Spring Forest Qigong Practice Class

Qigong practice class

Guided Practice Class

SFQ Practice Class:

  • Guided
  • Active Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Group Energy Balance.
  • Duration is 1.5 hours.
  • No experience necessary.
  • Investment is $10.00 at door.

Please follow the link to our Meet-Up Calendar.


Spring Forest Qigong Level One and Two Classes

Spring Forest Qigong Level One for Health

There are 8 modules and many short videos in this beautiful presentation.You will learn the history of and the how's and why's of Spring Forest Qigong. You will also learn how to remove energy blockages from yourself and others. As well as learn a very simple meditation that is applicable 24x7!!!

Investment is $150 cash at the door (preferred), or Zelle only.

Save $25 each, by bringing a friend or family member.

I will continue to support your SFQ growth and questions and this also entitles you to attend future level 1 SFQ classes free of charge.

Please follow the link at the top of the page to Our Meet-Up Calendar.

Spring Forest Qigong Level Two for Healing

This class available by request and is for the serious student!!! Level Two builds off of Level One and focuses more in depth to heal the body and understanding the organ system in our bodies. Level One focuses on healing your self where Level Two on self and others.

Master Santos instructing Qigong

Rainbow Heart Qigong

Waterdrop Logo

What is Rainbow Heart Qigong (RHQ)

After studying Reiki, Spring Forest Qigong, Matrix Energetics, EFT, Shamanism, Ho O Pono Pono, Quantum Entrainment, Cosmo Power, Reconnection, and a host of other systems, I am pleased to announce my own offering to the world called Rainbow Heart Qigong which borrows the best from each of the systems mentioned above.

Based on Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, Acceptance, and Courtesy. The power of the Rainbow Heart is used for healing ourselves and our environment.

Doing the practice and adopting the thinking of RHQ can lead to a life of Miraculous, health, wealth, happiness, and peak performance.

To learn RHQ you will need to first learn Reiki I and II as well as Spring Forest Qigong I and II. RHQ will require much commitment and discipline. I have not created a curiculum in the traditional sense, however I am committed to teach dedicated students... Let's talk..

Rainbow Heart Qigong Private Session:
$200.00 per session and a recording as well as support materials are provided. One can listen to the recording over and over and continue to gain benefit. Can be done in person, but best at a distance (remote session). Please contact me to schedule a private Rainbow Heart Qigong session.

Contact Master Santos


To whom it may concern:

I've known Michael for almost ten years now. We are in a Reiki group where we practice on each other and give outsiders Reiki. From the very beginning I felt Michael had a wonderful and special touch. Over the years I had knee problems and ankle problems and I was always so glad when Michael was present at our group because when he put his hands on either of those places, the pain would dissipate almost immediately. I don't have any problems now at all in my knee or my ankle and I definitely have to thank of Michael for their healing. In fact, I was worried for awhile that I was becoming addicted or dependent on him for taking care of my various problems. Recently I did something in yoga that hurt my hip, and at a Reiki session he wasn't able to get to that place when I was on the table. I was definitely disappointed. But later he told me don't worry I was working on it remotely with Qigong. No wonder it felt better by the time I got off the table. Oh and I also like it when Michael comes to our Reiki group when I don't have any problems.

Eloise J

Before I worked with Michael Santos I had suffered with Genital Herpes for 18 years. And there was no question that the very painful blisters were indeed Genital Herpes. After 25 sessions with Michael, taken in early 2007, I have had zero outbreaks! My last test for the virus was so conclusively negative, the lab technician was heard to say" . . . it's doubtful she ever had the disease." Michael is a walking miracle!



Dear Michael,

I am writing this letter for my daughter Anahita Meshkin who has been in a coma since October 20, 2007.
Anahita is 22 years old and she was anorexic. Following a seizure she went into a coma and doctors gave up hope on her but we remained hopeful. We decided to pursue alternative solutions including energy therapy to help her.
We cannot thank you enough for the energy that you are transferring to her when ever you come to visit her at the care center she is living in. Most of the times we notice that her movements increase and we see a beautiful smile on her peaceful face after the SFQ sessions. This is amazing to see her progress in the past months. The amount of energy thatshe is receiveing certainly play a big role in her recovery.
I am sure when she wakes up you will be definitely one of the persons she will thank. Your healing power will sure assist her to wake up quicker.
In addition to the healing power it is your great attitude and humble that impresses us the most. It takes a lot of dedications and faith to come from San Jose to Walnut Creek so often to help our daughter. You are a true human being.

God bless you.

Homayoun Meshkin

Here is another one of my proudest testimonials from one of my most dedicated students who recently moved away from San Jose.

5/6/2015 Joe Morrow.

Michael & Laura,

I had an interesting experience today, I went to a Reiki share in Santa Rosa this morning.
We haven't gotten our own going yet with your students in the area, so I thought I'd sample what was out there. Met some nice people, but the Reiki practiced was all over the map, some hands touching the body, sometimes one hand touching, the other hoovering above, sometimes both hands hoovering above, chakras, chants, ect. A real mishmash of technique.
We had a sharing of Reiki success stories before the share, and I told them about Jordan and Debbie and their miraculous recoveries and healing. They were blown away. They asked what kind of Reiki we used, I told them about the basic hand postions and method as passed down and taught by Mrs Takata.
Seeing all this other stuff made me really appreciate what we have and the reason we have been so successful. So much out there has been watered down, mixed up with all these other modalitiesand lost its focus.
I'm so proud to be part of our awesome lineage.


Dear, Michael (aka dad),

I thank you for the time you spent with me healing my lower lip witch got bit by a dog on chistmas eve last year.We were waching or frends dog for the holidays. whin I was reaching down to pet it I steped on its foot and it reacted by biting it. So thank you for the energy and heling you did for me. Sincerely,

Janelle santos (aka datoure ) age 11

Hi MIchael,

Here's a testimonial for the work you did with La Lola:

"Soon after getting a Foxhound rescue pooch, I discovered that she had congenital luxating patellas in both rear legs. Lola's kneecaps popped out of joint when she would run or spin, two of her favorite activities. Two vet opinions recommended surgery, and an alternative specialist also said the issue could only be resolved with surgery, specifically the breaking and re-setting of the legs. When Michael heard about Lola's issues, he offered to do SFQ on her. I am a great believer in alternative healing, but even so I thought it would be unlikely there would be much improvement. I was wrong! After very few treatments, which Lola actually seemed to enjoy (she was pretty high-strung, and SFQ relaxed her), her limping went away and really did not recur. Lessening the exercise she was getting helped, but there was a clear and dramatic improvement after Michael worked on Lola. I will always be grateful, and amazed!"
--I hope this is helpful to you, Michael. I really am grateful for the healing you promoted in Lola. You gave her a much more comfortable last year and a half.

Love and blessings,


This Testimonial by Far is One of My Proudest Moments!!!

5/6/2015 Jordan Heuser

Good morning, Michael.

Here is the testimonial I promised you. Thanks for everything.

In December of 2014, I awoke from surgery to learn that the cancer I'd been fighting since August of that year had metastasized to multiple other body parts. Up until that point I had received 6 weeks of intensive chemotherapy and radiation, which left me nauseous, fatigued, and losing my hair. The surgery intended to remove portions of my stomach, esophagus, and a couple lymph nodes where the cancer had originated, but the plan was abandoned once the spread was discovered. At that time, I was faced with the dual tasks of not only recovering from the major insult to my body, but also coming to terms with my prognosis of 6-12 months to live. The survival rate for my form of stage 4, metastatic cancer is less than 5%. I was 24 years old.
In January of 2015, after I'd been discharged and recovered some, I began seeking out alternative healing treatments to speed my recovery and augment the second round of chemo that I was scheduled to begin later that month. A PET scan taken at the time confirmed the visual signs of metastasis spotted by the surgeons and revealed even more unbeknownst lesions throughout my body. It was certainly going to be an uphill battle. That same month, I was introduced to Michael through a family friend. After an introductory qigong session, I was introduced to reiki, the unconditional love from Source, and began attending his weekly reiki share. Coming from a medical/scientific background, I was admittedly skeptical of the practice but decided to trust in Source anyway. Feeling more at peace, my mother and I both took Michael's level one reiki class to awaken our hands and be able to practice on our own. Due to the direness of my circumstances, Michael recommended daily reiki sessions, and so the three of us began a journey of healing together.
Over the following weeks and months, my condition improved rapidly. Not long after starting, my surgeon declared I'd made a full and remarkably fast recovery from my procedure. Although continuing to receive chemotherapy with a new cocktail of drugs, I did not suffer from any of the debilitating side effects from the first round. I noticed I had more energy and was able to get out more and lead a normal, functional day-to-day life. Most recently, even my blood content has improved, with my platelet and blood cell counts finally reaching normal levels. A follow up PET scan was ordered in March to determine whether everything being done for me was having any effect. "Grossly unremarkable" was what the report had said: there was no visible trace whatsoever of the cancer that was previously ravaging my body. Seeing my January and March scans side-by-side, I just could not believe that they'd both come from me. I felt like a born-again, new person.
Besides the obvious miracle of my cancer going into remission, Michael also influenced me by changing the way I thought about my condition. Cancer was never something to be feared nor hated, but loved for its wayward cellular nature. There was no battle between good and evil energy within me, only an imbalance of it. Reiki is accompanied by 5 principles: just for today do not anger or worry, work honestly, be grateful, and love every living thing. Since meeting Michael I've strived to make these principles an integral part of my life and I feel like a better overall human being because of it. I will continue to practice reiki on my own and I recommend Michael Santos to anyone wishing to heal their body or improve their life, regardless of how dire the circumstances.

Stargate Meditations

 Image of Stargate banner

The Stargate Experience offers a transformative journey into higher dimensions of consciousness through guided energy meditations facilitated by Prageet and Julieanne. At its core, The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway-a geometric structure emitting a profound, palpable, and high-vibrational energy field.
Participants effortlessly move into deep meditative states upon meditating with this sacred-geometric structure. The Stargate's consciousness responds to individuals and groups, creating multi-dimensional experiences. Its energies enable connection with benevolent guides such as Ascended Masters, Angels, and Star Families, fostering incredible awakening and vibrational alignment.
Led by Alcazar, channeled through Prageet and Julieanne, these energy meditations trigger profound experiences, from physical and emotional healing to activating latent abilities like psychic insight and past-life recall. The Stargate assists in reactivating awareness of one's Higher Self and multi-dimensional DNA, unlocking personal mysteries and spiritual communication.
Prageet, an established channel, co-created the Stargate with Alcazar, aiming to aid in self-understanding and awakening. Julieanne, deeply connected to Alcazar, channels The Essence of Life energy, supporting powerful self-healing and a journey towards deeper self-love.
The Stargate Experience, a culmination of over thirty years of spiritual growth and exploration, is a global phenomenon, attracting thousands worldwide. Located in Mount Shasta, California, it offers a gateway to higher consciousness and self-discovery through effortless relaxation into its transformative energy fields.
The Stargate Circles, integral to the Stargate mission, is the free community platform that fosters in-person community; encouraging in-person connections, meditations, and shared experiences.
Whether exploring the Stargate for the first time or being a longtime participant, the Stargate Experience promises a journey of self-discovery, healing, and vibrational elevation-a profound invitation to embrace higher consciousness effortlessly.

Please click the Calendar button on the top to RSVP for upcomming events on our Meet-Up Calendar.

As a Stargate Circle Host, here are some links to Stargate programs I have done and may be of interest of you:

Our Video Channel

Please browse our YouTube Channel. You will find it informative as well as entertaining.


View some of our past events and teaching. Point at the bottom of the picture for description and full screen.

  • All
  • Reiki
  • Qigong
  • Events
Picture of Reiki Share at Innerqiworks, in San Jose, CA

Reiki Share at Innerqiworks Healing Arts Center San Jose, CA.

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Picture of the late Rev. Fran Brown with some of her Reiki Masters at Kagyu ling France

The late Rev. Fran Brown with some of her Reiki Masters at Kagyu ling France.

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Reiki Class with The late Rev. Fran Brown San Mateo, CA.

Reiki Class with The late Rev. Fran Brown San Mateo, CA.

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Picture of dinner party with the late Grand Master Dr. Effie Chow, Chow Medical Qigong San Francisco, CA.

Dinner party with the late Grand Master Dr. Effie Chow, Chow Medical Qigong San Francisco, CA.

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 Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) L4 Retreat Superior Shores Resort M.N.

Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) L4 Retreat Superior Shores Resort M.N.

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SFQ L4 Retreat After Party at John and Nancy's Fish Lake M.N.

SFQ L4 Retreat After Party at John and Nancy's Fish Lake M.N.

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15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

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15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

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The Harmony of Universal Energy Active Movement 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

The Harmony of Universal Energy Active Movement 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

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The Harmony of Universal Energy Active Movement 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

The Harmony of Universal Energy Active Movement 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

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Reiki Class with The late Rev. Fran Brown San Mateo, CA.

Reiki Class with The late Rev. Fran Brown San Mateo, CA.

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The late Grand Master Dr. Effie Chow with Qigong Masters 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM San Francisco, CA.

The late Grand Master Dr. Effie Chow with Qigong Masters 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM San Francisco, CA.

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Qigong Breakout Session The Harmony of Universal Energy Active Movement 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

Qigong Breakout Session. 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM SFQ L1 for Health San Francisco, CA.

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Happy Birthday Rev. Fran Brown Memorial at The House of Santos San Jose CA

Happy Birthday Rev. Fran Brown Memorial at The House of Santos San Jose CA

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Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions you may have.

Use this link to find our location on Google Maps.


House of Santos
2538 Cordoba Way, San Jose, CA. 95125


+1 408-448-0262 H
+1 408-886-4399 C