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RHQ RESOURCES: Includes all the below....

Things like Spring Forest Qigong, Quantum Entrainment, Matrix Energetics, Ho O Pono Pono, Reiki, Reconnection, EFT, Sound Therapy, etc. will be discussed, practiced, and utilized.

The underbelly of RHQ is Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, Acceptance, and Courtesy. Our understanding is that we are all one organism showing up in separate form and thus we act as such supporting and loving one another as we cherish this oneness and take advantage of it’s healthy attributes!!!

CHARGE YOUR QI is not a substitute for medical treatment and you are encouraged to see a medical doctor for medical treatment!

Everyone enters by their own choice and their own risk and we assume no liability for your attendance.

Thank YOU so much!

Always with love,

Master Santos

Former Matrix Energetic Study Group Leader and Certified practitioner. Spring Forest Qigong Master Healer/Teacher, 5th Generation Reiki Master, Adv. EFT practitioner.


The Quantum Matrix: Adrian P. Cooper

Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Claude Swanson

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Gregg Braden

The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden

Parallel Universes Of Self: Frederick E. Dawson

Frequency: Penny Pierce

Matrix Energetics: Richard Bartlett

The Physics of Miracles: Richard Bartlett

Born A Healer: Chunyi Lin

The Kinslow System: Dr. Frank J. Kinslow

Biology of Belief: Bruce Lipton

Living In The Heart: Drunvalo Melchizedek

Seth Speaks: Jane Roberts

Healing Back Pain: John E. Sarno MD

What The Bleep Do We Know: DVD

The Secret: DVD

The Magic: Rhonda Byrne

The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking: James F. Twyman

The Science of Mind: Ernest Holmes

The Power of Now: Eckhart Tolle

Be sure to check out my YouTube Channel:


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