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Testimonials Page II 

This Testimonial by Far is One of My Proudest Moments!!!

5/6/2015 Jordan Heuser

Good morning, Michael.

Here is the testimonial I promised you. Thanks for everything.

In December of 2014, I awoke from surgery to learn that the cancer I'd been fighting since August of that year had metastasized to multiple other body parts. Up until that point I had received 6 weeks of intensive chemotherapy and radiation, which left me nauseous, fatigued, and losing my hair. The surgery intended to remove portions of my stomach, esophagus, and a couple lymph nodes where the cancer had originated, but the plan was abandoned once the spread was discovered. At that time, I was faced with the dual tasks of not only recovering from the major insult to my body, but also coming to terms with my prognosis of 6-12 months to live. The survival rate for my form of stage 4, metastatic cancer is less than 5%. I was 24 years old.

In January of 2015, after I'd been discharged and recovered some, I began seeking out alternative healing treatments to speed my recovery and augment the second round of chemo that I was scheduled to begin later that month. A PET scan taken at the time confirmed the visual signs of metastasis spotted by the surgeons and revealed even more unbeknownst lesions throughout my body. It was certainly going to be an uphill battle. That same month, I was introduced to Michael through a family friend. After an introductory qigong session, I was introduced to reiki, the unconditional love from Source, and began attending his weekly reiki share. Coming from a medical/scientific background, I was admittedly skeptical of the practice but decided to trust in Source anyway. Feeling more at peace, my mother and I both took Michael's level one reiki class to awaken our hands and be able to practice on our own. Due to the direness of my circumstances, Michael recommended daily reiki sessions, and so the three of us began a journey of healing together.

Over the following weeks and months, my condition improved rapidly. Not long after starting, my surgeon declared I'd made a full and remarkably fast recovery from my procedure. Although continuing to receive chemotherapy with a new cocktail of drugs, I did not suffer from any of the debilitating side effects from the first round. I noticed I had more energy and was able to get out more and lead a normal, functional day-to-day life. Most recently, even my blood content has improved, with my platelet and blood cell counts finally reaching normal levels. A follow up PET scan was ordered in March to determine whether everything being done for me was having any effect. "Grossly unremarkable" was what the report had said: there was no visible trace whatsoever of the cancer that was previously ravaging my body. Seeing my January and March scans side-by-side, I just could not believe that they'd both come from me. I felt like a born-again, new person.

Besides the obvious miracle of my cancer going into remission, Michael also influenced me by changing the way I thought about my condition. Cancer was never something to be feared nor hated, but loved for its wayward cellular nature. There was no battle between good and evil energy within me, only an imbalance of it. Reiki is accompanied by 5 principles: just for today do not anger or worry, work honestly, be grateful, and love every living thing. Since meeting Michael I've strived to make these principles an integral part of my life and I feel like a better overall human being because of it. I will continue to practice reiki on my own and I recommend Michael Santos to anyone wishing to heal their body or improve their life, regardless of how dire the circumstances. 

Here is another one of my proudest testimonials from one of my most dedicated students who recently moved away from San Jose.

5/6/2015 Joe Morrow

Michael & Laura

I had an interesting experience today, I went to a Reiki share in Santa Rosa this morning.

We haven't gotten our own going yet with your students in the area, so I thought I'd sample what was out there. Met some nice people, but the Reiki practiced was all over the map, some hands touching the body, sometimes one hand touching, the other hoovering above, sometimes both hands hoovering above, chakras, chants, ect. A real mishmash of technique.

We had a sharing of Reiki success stories before the share, and I told them about Jordan and Debbie and their miraculous recoveries and healing. They were blown away. They asked what kind of Reiki we used, I told them about the basic hand postions and method as passed down and taught by Mrs Takata.

Seeing all this other stuff made me really appreciate what we have and the reason we have been so successful. So much out there has been watered down, mixed up with all these other modalities

and lost its focus.

I'm so proud to be part of our awesome lineage



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